Celestia: Hi, Blueblood. Why don't you join the great party that Aunt Celestia just organized just for you?
Fleur: Come on, Blue. I'm sure the four of us will have a fantastic time, while our bodies turn up the heat.
Rarity: My Darling, I know that the last time we saw each other we had a bad time, why don't we start over and make love together with my other companions? You know, to get to know each other better.
Blueblood: (shyly) Emmm... I don't know, I'm not sure. To be honest, I don't know if I can do this with the three of you.
Celestia: Don't be afraid, Blueblood. Give your aunt a little bit of "your love".
Fleur: Yes, Blue. We want to have "your love" inside of us.
Rarity: Yes, My Darling... We want you to become our Princesses tonight.
Celestia: Rarity, I'm already a Princess, did you forget?
Rarity: Oops, sorry, Celestia. I had forgotten about it.
Blueblood: (blushing) You win. Let me undress first.