Another game, another victory for DemoDerpy. But even explosives experts need some relief every once in a while. Hence why shes giving you the flirty, half-lidded gaze right now. Her other eyes fine, of course; but due to its tendency to wander, the eye-patch helps her concentrate on more important things. Like looking for somewhere more private to take you.
Finally, when youre alone with her, she produces a stick of dynamite – its okay, youre in your own spawn room anyways – and lights the fuse. Youre relieved to find that its a very slow-burning one. She whispers in your ear, her voice quivering with anticipation;
Lets have some fun. You can do whatever you want with me, so long as this dynamite stays lit.
Youre about to ask her why shed want that, when her caressing hand makes its way toward your lower regions. Your spine shivers. Your heart races. Your loins start developing a mind of their own.
I wanna see which stick goes off first, Derpy coos, her hot breath driving you wild. Yours or mine. Dont disappoint me now
(An art trade with Underwater Ponies. Great job, guys!)