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I do not own any of these pictures nor did I make them. all of the credits belongs to the artist The Butch X.
I've made a big wallpaper picture featuring my favorite cute girls. I hope you will find them amazing as I find them amazing two.
And also here's a fun game. In the comments which one of these beautiful cute sweethearts you want to be your girlfriend🥰💜. Enjoy
Rara: >>1769881
Wallflower Blush: >>1892689
Vinyl Scratch/DJ-Pon3: >>1911367
Maud Pie: >>2133091
Roseluck: >>2133090
Watermelody: >>1911361
Sweet Leaf: >>2109511
Blueberry Cake: >>1809762
Lyra Heartstrings: >>2109515
Trixie: >>1911365
Melon Mints: >>1866479
Upper Crust: >>1802923
Orange Sherbette: >>1838423
Zephyr: >>1911363
Fleur de lis: >>2025762
Starlight Glimmer: >>2109506
Adagio Dazzle: >>2227534
Violet Blurr: >>2025749
Sunny Flare: >>2025739
Bon Bon: >>2109516
Indigo Zap: >>1823621
Pixel Pizazz: >>1802913
Octavia Melody: >>1911366
Photo Finish: >>2025748
Sweeten Sour: >>2109512
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