This piece was commissioned by :icondarthrivan:. The request was to make Sunny Flare from the Equestria Girls series turn into a sloppy couch potato with no real aspirations. The following dialogue was provided by the commissioner:
Session 1- "Listen counselor, I'm not stressed and I've got a lot of studying to do so can we get these sessions over with?"
Session 2- "I do actually feel a bit more relaxed. Hope you don't mind. I was a bit peckish."
Session 3- "Now that you mention it, this outfit is a bit stuffy."
Session 4- "I was gonna do some readin' after, but I think I'll chill and binge this new show."
Session 5- "Study? Nah, I'll get to it later. This looks yummy. Hey! Paws off!"
Session 6- "Thanks for the house call, doc. Going up all those stairs is a real hassle these days. Besides, I really didn't want to miss this new episode."
Session 7- "Can we talk later? The season finale is about to start. There's room for one more if you wanna join me."