Commission for Skinth
It must be rather boring up there in the royal palace in Canterlot, just sitting around all day surrounded by buff pony guardsmen as you await your time to set the sun and raise the moon. That's exactly the predicament Luna had found herself in up until now, but luckily for her an intruder had made her way into the palace in an attempt to steal from the alicorn princesses! Lucky? Of course! Luna had a lot of time to think on things... Fun things... Things that she might be able to try out on an unsuspecting prisoner~
Mysteriously the next day the prisoner had disappeared from their cell, and Luna couldn't be found in the palace! But elsewhere in a nearby village the blue form of the moon pony could be seen prancing about and flinging herself across the surface of what looked to be a rather overinflated parade balloon! She invited folks from all over the village to bear witness to the strange sight, as the alicorn conjured up some ethereal riding crops and began repeatedly slamming them against her toy, watching as its rubbery surface wobbled and rippled in response~
Every now and then some of the onlookers could swear they heard the occassional muffled moan...