Originally posted on: May 1, 2017, 1:48 AM UTC
Too good to be true
You're an Angel, and sometimes I worry you'll disappear...Like I'll wake up from this beautiful dream and find...you were never there in the first place...A illusion...
But then I feel your touch
So warm...so gentle...so... Angelic..
and, like magic...like a miracle -I feel hope again.
My precious angels I love them <33
More context on this later , but the jist is the pale grey pegasus, QuickSilver, has a lot of trust issues due to family and former relationship problems of the past, and it wasn't until she got into a relationship with Morning Glory (the orange one) that she finally grew faith in humanity yes
Morning Glory is almost painfully sweet yes
My precious lesbeans ~~!QuickSilver is the daughter of Thunderlane and Lightning Dust
MLP (c) Hasbro
Characters (c) "Miimsey":https://miimsey.deviantart.com/ & Me