Next Time
The Mane 7 where sitting in class with their fellow students from Canterlot High waiting for their teacher to arrive until someone familiar did show up,
The scene shows the Doctor writing on a chalkboard 'Ms.Smith' "good morning students I'm your new transfer Teacher from Northern England Ms. Smith, I'll be your new History and Science Teacher for the next couple of years and if Ms.Smith doesn't suit you guys you can all ways call me the Doctor 😁" she said as she smiled at the students, but for only the Mane 7 stared back at her leaving them shocked and speechless.
Next scene shows a couple of black ghost looking shadows spilling from the top of the school "this world will be ours, AND WE SHALL HAVE OUR FEAST! HAHAHAHAHA!!!" Evil laughed the demonic voice, "NOT IF I'M STILL HERE YOUR NOT!" The Doctor yelled at the creature as she pointed her sonic towards it.
13th Doctor drawn by jmkplover
13th Doctor color by edCOM02
TARDIS by Vanossfan10
doctor who owned by the bbc
My little pony owned by Hasbro and Lauren Faust