As the fresh spring air tickled Fluttershy's nose, she smiled. On the wind was the scent of flowers, a home cooked meal, and foal powder. Birds flew through the air, chirping and singing, and it made her heart soar with glee to know all her little friends had made it back safely from the south. She stopped by row of well decorated carts and a flower stand. The trio behind the operation were as lovely as the flowers they sold. Lily Valley appeared to be on shop keeping duty, Daisy was preparing food to fill the tummies of anypony who might need a meal.. and Roseluck had retired to her hammock for a little nap, she always worked so hard. Fluttershy wasn't entirely sure what she wanted to buy... they all looked so perfect... though that change for 2 bits sounded like it might be pretty nice. Maybe she'd get one after a sandwich?