All created in Paint Tool.SAI
Paint Tool SAI 2015 Icon Photoshop CS6 Icon
Well, well, well
She's been needing something new and fresh for nearly three years now; since that's the time I first drawn a reference sheet for her. <33
I've expanded her look a little to contribute to her love of languages and my love of the Japanese language and culture! Her spicy, hot headed attitute I LOVE to the moon and back; hot-headed character appear to my soul and become my bread and butter! ;v;
I'll be posting this gal on Instagram later on, so glad that I managed to finish her off as Children's Book Illustration is going to take most of my time from now on. My two weeks of self-vacation is up and my days are being taken up by work. <333
Name-Zeny 'Doragon' Zapp
Nicknames-Zeny, Zappy, Doragon [Means Dragon in Japanese], Translator [Called by Strangers and Herself in Third-Person]
Personality- Extremely Hot Headed, Perfectionist, Independent, Observant, Neat Freak, Hard-working/Resilience and Extroverted
Sexuality- Homosexual/Lesbian Homosexual Pride (f2u)
Relationship Status- Single
-Things needed to know-
-Zeny has Obsessive-compulsive Disorder [OCD]
-Zeny's is a gifted Hyperpolyglot. Able to learn around languages with ease. [Expect in 7 Different Languages]
-Always looking to learn more, has been learning Languages for 12 years since she was 15 and is currently fluent in English, Japanese, Chinese, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Dutch.
-Hot-headed and having a massive attitude that's both intimidating and interesting; her childhood was heavily consisted of living next to dragons and communicating with a few of them over a long period of time. Learning from their spicy personalities and feisty nature to a personal level since she's always been easy to anger.
-Her favourite creatures are Dragons and Reptiles.
-She has a massive crush on 'Dov the Goat', even if she'll never be interested in furthering that affection.
-Her tattoo across her back legs is in fact Japanese, and translated back to English as 'ZENY'.
Character is owned and designed by :iconinspiredpixels:
Artwork belongs to :iconinspiredpixels:
Image details
Image size
3368x1802px 1.4 MB
Published: Jan 28, 2021
© 2021 InspiredPixels