Originally posted on: January 28, 2019, 10:23 PM UTC
Popular Rainbow Dash Ships Auction (CLOSED)
*UPDATE: You can tag yourself or anyone else that might be interested in this auction or future auctions/adopts. Please tag through comment thread below. Thank you.Rules:
- Please be able to pay for what you bid. If you can't pay when the auction is over the next highest bidder will recieve the adoptable.
You may change whatever once you purchase them.
Paypent in POINTS ONLY.
PLease bid in chain comments below.
I will not hold bids.
I prefer if you DON'T resell but please ASK if you are.
For Each:
Starting Bid (SB): 20 Points
Minimum Increase (MI): 10 Points
Auto buy (AB): 500 Points
Auction Ends March 2nd 2019 at around 12:00 pm. GMT
Top Row
Left to Right
Rainbow Dash X Soarin
Status: Sold to "bro-palmer": Dash X Dumbbell
Status: Sold to "XionDraghi": Dash X Quibble Pants
*Bottom RowLeft to Right
Rainbow Dash X Twilight
Status: Sold to "TheMaskedMare": Dash X Fluttershy
Status: Sold to "bro-palmer": Dash X Applejack
Status: Sold to "Claire-Cooper":