White Rabbit
Daughter of Trixie & Starlight
(Biologically Trixie + Discord)
Her most significant ability is predicting the future via tarot readings done using a deck of poker cards...the deck itself doesn’t matter, she has several different novelty decks she uses and is always on the lookout for more, the sillier looking the better. No one knows exactly how she does tarot readings with poker cards, but her readings are completely inaccurate and ridiculous if she uses an actual tarot deck.
What she can discern from these readings is fairly random. Sometimes it’ll be something kinda insignificant like telling a pony they have a slight intolerance to dairy, so watch out for that, all the way up to life-saving warnings like “Your house is going to get struck by lightning at the same time you usually take your night time shower”. There’s also the unfortunate “your husband or wife is cheating on you” readings but honestly…Rabbit sometimes just tells clients their future is “unclear” when that happens. It’s rarely worth the fallout, and it’s an almost surefire way to lose a customer…
Rabbit discovers pretty early on that sometimes it’s better to not tell a pony their future all at once because then they have no reason to come back and pay for another reading. She has a somewhat unethical system of doling out information based on how deep she senses a pony’s pockets are. She’ll make exceptions if she foresees something serious though.
Rabbit’s predictions and readings are always correct, but they never reflect an unchangeable timeline. She’ll tell you a piano will drop onto the part of the sidewalk where you always wait for the bus, shortly before the bus you take home arrives. Again, what you do with that information is up to you.
She admires how orderly and community based the changelings are. Sometimes she wishes she was born a changeling, longing for the sense of belonging she assumes each changeling must have as part of the larger hive unit. Changelings also have a sort of “hive mind” telepathy that provides constant community, socialization, and comfort from those around them (which is why they’re affected so strongly by negative vs positive emotions). It works like a radio signal where the more changelings congregate the more powerful the effect is.
She keeps ants as pets. When she was young she started keeping ants in a box after her mothers told her she couldn’t have a pet. The family lives in Trixie’s caravan and, despite a few renovations and reorganization efforts, it’s barely enough space for the three of them, let alone a pet. When Starlight discovered a train of ants leading to the box, rather than just throwing it out she decided to build her a real ant farm. Rabbit was delighted, and every year Starlight builds her a bigger, more advanced ant farm for her birthday.
She’s met Discord, she knows he’s her biological father and she doesn’t care. Discord was absent from her life until she was a teenager because he had no idea she existed. Trixie tried to find him when she found out she was pregnant but he was nowhere to be found, busy exploring a few other parallel universes where he lost track of time for over a decade. By the time he returned to Rabbit and her family’s universe, his attempts to “connect” with her were both irritating and insulting. Rabbit didn’t tolerate it for very long, the only thing Discord had ever given her are her draconequus traits, and her feelings towards her draconequus side are mixed, to say the least.
AHH (me screaming) i'm just gonna post this now because this art is super old and i'm already insecure about posting old art but it's fine i promise i'll be fine.... Maybe i'll come back and add to it. but for now i hope you like her