Flanishygirl 17-21/11/2020
I've been practising on drawing anthro ponies since august-september 2020 more or less and this is my first anthro pony in my new style on Paint Tool SAI. And yeah, my first suggestive drawing in Derpibooru 😅. It is based on this drawing -> https://derpibooru.org/images/1869939 so first of all I would like to thank the artist mashoart for the inspiration. One day my best friend sent me that image and I couldn't resist making my own version with my OC and my own suggestive style. Which suggestive style? Well, I love thick girls so.. yeah, every sexy girl I draw is usually thicc. Anyways here is Flani in a shy guy costume with a sign of her sister's cutie mark with a heart because one of Flani and Hymyt's caracteristics is that despite being sisters, they love each other. Hope you like it ^ ^
EDIT: I've just seen that the artist mashoart doesn't admit redraws. First of all in my opinion this is not a redraw, it's more like an inspirated drawing. But if even so is neccesary to delete the picture I will do it, thanks for reading.