Velvet Remedy had the dart gun pointed right at me. Didn’t she know that wasn’t safe?
Ow! I opened my mouth, words of surprise frozen on my tongue.
Velevet Remedy shed a tear as she said, “I’m sorry, Littlepip.”
What…What was happening?
Velvet Remedy’s horn glowed a little brighter. I heard the squeaking as the small red wagon rolled over, stopping behind me. Velvet Remedy stepped closer and gave me a gentle nudge with one hoof, tipping my paralyzed body onto the wagon.
She’d shot me on purpose!
As Velvet Remedy floated the blanket over me, covering my body, I swore I’d kill her.
If you need context, just know that the protagonist was about to pull off a rescue which had no possible positive outcome, but one of the companions shoots her with a paralyzing dart to prevent her from carrying it out. Way back when I first read this story, I remember this scene making me angry. Like, how dare an NPC prevent the video game main character from doing a side mission, eh? Re-reading it now though, I see that was the problem; Littlepip was in fact approaching the whole thing like a save-scumming gamer, consequences be darned. Lack of sleep and being high on super brain stimulants don't help matters either, oof. So good on ya, best medic horse. :D
I had meant for this to look a little more humorous than it came out. Something light like that "Anticipation", but I just kept wanting to add more background and detail. Too much detail, as a lot of it is clashing with itself. Hopefully it's not too noticeable, lol.