this has honestly become an annual thing now. I DONT MEAN IT TO BE DJFHG I honestly just was not happy with the style I had in her last ref so I thought I would update her. I made some small changes but nothing really important. More like just little enhancements cause that's just what you do, you know? Anyway I hope this will last me a couple years because this actually took me so long and I never want to do it again. I've never made a reference sheet this big in my entire life but... she's my main so I had to go all out.
Name: Cloudy Night
Race: Pegasus - bat pony hybrid
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
Age: 27
Occupation: Weather Pony
Height: Smaller than the average pony
shipped with Tsetsumi (owned by Maximpy )
Bio: Nocturnal, Childish, Pervert, insomniac, charismatic, player, empathetic, can be a hot head
When Cloudy was a little girl, most of the population frowned upon different race marriages. Her Mother was a pegasus and her father was a bat pony, and because of that, they lived out on the country side. There, Cloudy would always look up and admire the stars above her, keeping her up late and causing her to normally sleep all day. Her mom was one who would get sick regularly, and after Cloudy was born it only got worse. When she was a few years old, her mother passed away and left her a white feather with a red tip from her wing as a reminder. After her mom passed away, her father gave her to her grandparents and they raised her as their own. Her father disappeared from her life after that, and because of this she's always felt like something has been missing from her life. This made her very impulsive, and destructive growing up. She'd often fool around, and would rarely take things seriously. When she became an adult, she moved away from her grandparents. She knew that they loved her as their own, but she never felt she could amount up to what they expected of her and she knew they disapproved of many of her life choices. Later on in life, she met her first cousin once removed Draconic, who took her in as a sort of apprenticeship... for all the wrong reasons.
note: She does reunite with her dad further down the line.