Twilight walking around the jungle with Willow and Ruby to the waterfall, when all of a sudden she heard singing.
Willow: Twilight are you ok?
Twilight: Yeah, I going to where that sound coming from, I'll see you that the waterfall!
Twilight follow the sound until she finds a little pegasus singing a song!
???: (singing) Hakuna Matata, what a phrase. Hakuna Matata ain't no pass in craze.
Twilight: (singing) It means no worries for the rest of your days!
The strange filly turn around and saw Twilight was singing the song with her.
???: Those two teach you the song too, huh?
Twilight: You know Willow and Ruby?!
???: Yeah, ever since, they found me they teach me it means no worries. Anyways my name is Starsong.
Twilight: Starsong why doing here and not in Equestria.
Starsong: What and where on Earth is Equestria?
Twilight: You have never seen Equestria before!?