Greetings fellow Ponys.
((Short Info: The Story here are in the Way I have describe the Picture to the Artist, more Details see at the End of the Description))
Like every Monday, we have Market in Ponyville.
I really like this Day in the Week.
You meet nearly Everypony in the Town and all Goods they have produce are offered in just one Spot.
I'm actual at the Stall of Golden Harvest or Carrot top, like mayn like to Name her and choosing some Carrots for Angel.
Today the Market is always well visited and many Ponys are walking between the many Stals.
Theres one Pony buying Flowers at the Stall of Roseluck.
Rarity is in Ponyville too, I know she still love the sweet Honey the Earth Ponys offer here.
I buy some Carrots ad add them into my Basket, where are already Peppers, Leek and Tomatoes.
I hope I don't forgot something.
Usual I have my Checklist with me to have everything in Order, but I runned out of Paper again.
I should get some new on my Way back Home and maybe 3 Quills and a Inkwell too.
Usualy I don't run out of Paper when I'm in the Library, Twilight always store much Writing Material for her Studys.
But at my Home I sometimes run out of Paper, but every Week I can buy new Material, if needed.
Well I think I have everything i need.
Maybe I should buy some Apples at the Apple Family Stall.
With much Luck Big Mac is there today and I always feel happy if I can see him.
Sometimes I can stay there for Hours and just watch him sell Apples to other Ponys.
But my Animals need me and I should not stay to long.
But maybe a little bit would not hurt ...
Hope you like this Picture of me.
Have a nice Day and I see you at the next Upload ;-)
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Ok, here the Infos about the Picture, sa mentioned at the Begin.
This Commish should display me, visiting the Ponyville Market, like it is in the Show.
It was difficult to explain the Artist what I would like to see and the Art is not like the one I wanted to have.
First the Artist has add the Anthro Gala Dress on the Pony (I had not ask for it), what are the Reason why she has this blue Butterflys and the green Vines are on her Body.
The most Difficulties was with the Background.
I wanted to have the Marketplace there with the Houses of Ponyville, some Stalls and Ponys who are walking and trading (even Rarity is there).
Instead of doing that the Artist has just place a Photo of something that looks like a Town in south Germany and placed a Sign over my Head, so the Viewer know where this should be.
Sometimes you have such Art Fails in your Comissions and usual you don't know if you get what you want.
Have a look "here": for my Wish (sketched by me on an early Version) and the final Picture.
The actual Picture I have upload here is modded by me to made the Picture more "fresh".
I removed the sepia like Fog and gave the Carrots and the Stuff in the Basket an good and healthy Color.
Hope you still like it, even with all the Errors in it.