[==(A beautiful day in Equestria, The mane 6 having a picnic in the park. Then A running footsteps approaches)
Iridescent: Inhaled air Ah, It is Gorgeous out. Just Gorgeous!
(Ivory slurps Her drink, while Surprise Eats her donut. Then again, Running footsteps approaches)
Ember: Amaryllis! Amary... llis... I Have... Lemme Just... Give a deep breath belch The scroll
Amaryllis: Reading the scroll Dear Amaryllis, I am sure you are as excited as I am about the upcoming wedding in Skyepolis
The Mane 5: A wedding?!
(Amaryllis gives Ember a glass of water after she was running, And continued read the scroll)
Amaryllis: I will be presiding over the ceremony, But would very much like you and your friends to help with the preparation for this wonderful occasion. Ivory, I would like you and your cousins and nieces music band to provide the music
Ivory: well golly gee! It an honor to do so!
Amaryllis: Twinkie Sprinkle, and with Razzaroo. You two will be more qualified host for the reception of the wedding
Twinkie Sprinkle: Hip, Hip, Hooray!
Amaryllis: Sparkling Cider, You'll be in charge of the catering for reception
Sparkling Cider: My goodness, I would love too!
Amaryllis: Surprise Fuchsia, I would very much appreciate it if you could perform a Surprise Shock-Wave as the bride and groom complete their "I do's"
Surprise Fuchsia: yes! As she fly up
Amaryllis: Iridescent, You will be responsible for the bride and her bridesmaids
Iridescent: Empress Lunaria wants me to- Unintelligible A wedding dress? I, ah- hahaha! faint
Amaryllis: And as for you, Amaryllis. You will be playing the most important role of all, Making sure that everything goes as planned. See you ponies very soon. Yours, Empress Lunaria.
(Amaryllis looking the another side of the scroll, Very confused look)
Amaryllis: But... I don't understand. Who's getting married in the skyepolis?
Ember: Oh! Um, I was probably supposed to give you this one first Gave an awkward smile
(Amaryllis give an annoyance eye roll, Reading a first scroll)
Amaryllis: Empress Lunaria Invites you to the royal wedding of Queen Aphrodite and-
(Twinkie Sprinkle gasp, The mane 5, and Ember look at her in surprise look)
Twinkie Sprinkle: MY BROTHER?!==]