Shatter was asked to foalsit a filly for a friend of hers and she watches the filly for a few hours. It was in the afternoon when she put the foal down for a nap that a hypnotic rattle appears while she was picking up everything from the messes the foal made. And the enchanted rattle was one of them, she picks it up and the rattle immediately gives her a hypnotic effect. Upon looking at it, she gets the intense temptation to shake the rattle and does so. She's confused about why she wants to shake it like a foal so bad but the more she did it, the more her mind slipped and after a little bit, she sits on the floor and shakes the rather mindlessly, she questions it but then decides that she loves it. She starts sucking on her hoof as she's playing with the rattle and soon enough, a diaper poofs onto her from nowhere, like the rattle knew that she was having mental regression and that she might have "accidents" if there was no diaper.
She's in this state for a while and even undoes the mess that she was intending to clean. It wasn't until 2 to 3 hours later that she snapped out of it when the foal she was watching woke up and started crying, she's confused by why she was playing with toys and why there was a mess, she notices she's wet but doesn't notice the diaper. Due to the awaken foal, she doesn't continue cleaning and goes upstairs to tend to the foal for the rest of the time, the enchanted rattle staying on the ground.