Breathing was... heavy when she woke up. She gasped in silence, drawing gulp after gulp of heavy breaths before she swallowed... Hold on a second, this is liquid. Was she breathing water? She tried to raise a hoof to check, finding her hooves similarly heavy, just with a thick resistance. It startled her enough to stop at first, then try again, heaving against the resistance. Now she had to pay attention to where she was laying - on her belly in an inch-deep puddle of thick, pale, stickiness. Glue, still liquid but doing its best to adhere her to the padded floor nonetheless. With a bit of work she could free a hoof, then another, and with an almighty pushup, lift her front... and grind the thick padding between her hind legs against the floor. Trapped under the suit and buzzing against her folds, she'd not even noticed the waddle-inducing poof until it was unavoidable, and now it'd take extra work to free the distracting pressure, all while her natural urges to gasp and pant strained against the necessity to breathe this liquid slowly, steadily.
She allowed herself a moment of distraction. She leaned into the buzzing, to give herself at least that, when she noticed something... peculiar just below her tail. At her last long, slow exhale, she felt the padding swell, like warm fluid had just been pumped down the back of it. Then it happened again, right after she... Oh, that's interesting. She had to strain to look over her shoulder, finding where the tank - this reverse diving getup - was piping the fluid into her mask, and then back down to the diaper. Another time... she shivered, feeling the squish soften against her nethers, and the latex wrapping it tighten slightly. Compression? Pocket dimension? Chemical storage? Something told her this thing was going to get a lot bigger than the tank looked like it could hold. Ahead of her, against the wall - across a deeper pool of collected glue on the floor - was a little station on the wall, labelled "tank change". The HUD in her mask - only now becoming clear to her bleary eyes - included a half-full tank meter. As she looked around the chamber - a vertical maze of steps, walls, bridges, and other rubber-padded problems for her to traverse, dotted with single use tank change stations, it dawned on her that this might be a bigger issue than she thought. Hm. Better get moving.
More concerning on the HUD, however, was the word 'permastuck' tucked in the corner... was that a threat? A designation? Better not wait to find out...
Love glue! Really struggle drawing it though