Those of you who follow me on FiMFiction no doubt know about my Equestria Girls belly dance series. In these stories, Sci-Twi does NOT think highly of wearing a jewel in the navel. Pinkie Pie and Rarity, on the other hand, think it's cute and have adopted the practice. This leaves Fluttershy and Sugarcoat as the only other "plain bellies" in their belly dance class (since Lemon Zest has her navel pierced).
Sometime ago, when I was skimming over my third story, "Parting the Veil":https://www.fimfiction.net/story/346057/parting-the-veil , I remembered that I actually had written in the last chapter that Sugarcoat was curious about trying on a belly jewel. Although I would not write her doing so in any of my stories after, I decided to sketch this scene where Sugarcoat does try one on courtesy of Pinkie, much to Twilight's disappointment.