Wasn't sure about posting the WIP because constant erasing and redrawing turned the paper into a nuclear wasteland. But it does allow me to keep this behind-the-scenes wall of text away from the final product.
1) Today, on 'originally planned as busty Rainbow practice but the canon version was just too good to take out the eraser' TV...
Sigh. Every single time.
2) Originally planned a Club Banana logo (from Kim Possible) for the shopping bag too. Because I have no imagination and had no other idea. Didn't care for the logo once I looked it up and cared even less for any potential "do you mmmmm... like bananas?" meme though.
You can't tell if Rainbow's wearing panties or bikini bottoms on the sketch so I was reminded of Victoria's Secret. So drawn that because it amused me. Kept that because I'm a tease.
3) Made her thiccer than I wanted because of a referencing mistake... Not that I expect many to complain.
Could have narrowed the sketch on Inkscape before vectoring to 'fix' it... But that's a crutch. The real solution is to get the proportions on the paper right from the get-go.
4) Used "this picture":/images/2403238 of brother-tico's as reference for her right arm. Wanted to make her muscled rather than what we have in canon (this is Rainbow Dash dammit). Also helped refine the right breast and the left side of her body because the pose there was so similar to the one I'd drawn.
Really, it was weird how close the picture matched the outline I'd already drawn shoulders to ankles (sans the left arm because I hadn't decided what to do with it yet) before I looked for references.
5) The legs and feet are the worst-made part of the picture (as usual) but I can't really focus on that because oh god it takes me less time to vector my drawings than I need to draw them now it's amazing aaaaaaaaaaaa
Drawn with pencils.
"Complete version":/images/2652568