In my mind baby Karma was very much like Charlotte form Princess and the frog, the cutest menace in puffy pink dressesKarma and her infatuation with princesses know no bounds. She wants to be the most awesome and incredible princess on the continent. So high even Celestia would have no choice but to be impressed by her awesomeness and intelligence. Her friend, Sol Mane the son of Flash Magnus and Sunburst, has to hide his wings thus doesn't care for the title, but will help his only friend achieve her goal, as kids do.
Karma is completely oblivious to the fact that someone with high power is making sure no “second Discord” would suddenly spring into action.
That pony being no other than Celestia. She’s very cautious of Discord’s “real” blood-related offspring, as she believes Karma to be something of misguided by her faithful student. Oh her poor student, she should have chosen someone better…