Originally posted on: April 3, 2018, 6:04 AM UTC
Lilith (SombraLuna)
Base by "MPLbasemaker33":
Name: Lilith
Nicknames/Aliases: Lil, Lily, Lilith
Biological Sex: Female
Gender Identity: Cisgender
Age: Preteen (10-12)
Relationship Status: Single
Sexual Orientation: UnsureRace: Alicorn
Appearance: Average tween body, Wings inherited from Luna (Nightmare Moon), and horn gradience from Sombra.
Height: 4"5
Weight: 92 lbsFriends: Agape, Prickly Apple, Jane Smith, Flashing Lights, Melody Swift
Enemies: Redneck Apple, Cuddle Stripes, Gypsy Grape
Lover/Spouse: None
Crush: None-She has a rare genetic disorder that affects her eyes.