As Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis climbed the ranks of nobility as a married couple, they managed to solidify a job for their daughter Primadonna as a royal assistant for Princess Phosphor whom had already had jobs piled up as the child of Luna and Pharnyx. The two began to get very close, and bonded over their desire to escape from the fancy, high-class life and the two often snuck out together to explore Equestria. They're best friends and partners in crime, and that's not gonna change any time soon.
Here's a fun fact: This character is heavily inspired off of someone's OC I roleplayed with on the Roblox RP game: Roleplay is Magic. I loved that RP, so I inspired this OC off of her. Of course, I edited a few things, like making her the child of Fancy Pants and Fleur De Lis as well as giving her a new backstory and such. I just think she's neat. :]