Human world: Flurry Heart is almost teenager. The main cast have ll become momsTwilight, Sunset, Fluttershy, and Apple Jack have all just been brutally murdered.
Rainbow scoops up Flurry Heart and runs her to safety unknowingly so fast they time travel
Once she unlocks the skill, Rainbow nd Flurry gather friends from each time period
They pick up Twilight in 7th grade
Rarity the day she made her 1st dress
Apple Jack before Apple Bloom was born
Pear butter 1 day pregnant with Apple Bloom
Sunset Shimmer the 1st week she was in Equestria when she was still evil
Pinkie Pie After every one was dead
Cheese Pie from a time line where the murders never happened
Shining Armor and Cadence same age Flurry is now. Her dad crushes on her and she starts to not exist
young Celestia nd Luna teen years
Adult Fluttershy who is from a time line where she never died who gets erased
Alt . Adult Fluttershy from world where Sunset altered history nd Flutershy becomes evil and doesn't die
and many others