Thomas was trapped in the forest when the "leader" of the pack came and well you'll see next time
so again i guess I tried to make my own moon or got someone else maybe is this one
I have to use the mare in the moon vector but I got to make my own soon is just this takes place before Luna came back to Equestria so it makes sense
there is not much here, the pictures speak for themselves but I'll say this.
the black wolf again is bigger than the others and female wolf ponies (depending on the pony) still have short snouts, and their fur can sometimes still have the shape as their hairstyles they have in their normal pony forms where does the elastic thing that helps make ponytails go when a female wolfpony transforms go? who knows maybe is under the fur.
again that's all maybe I'll have more to say once I upload the next one and in the next one I'll upload the bonus story