A new day dawns upon the magical realm of Midgard. Rays of sunlight shine brightly through the cabin's round windows, and soft waves roll audibly along your sailboat's hull. You wake up after a good night's sleep, snuggled in Moonflower's cozy embrace.
Moonflower: "Heehee... mornin'!"
After greeting your bat pony friend with playful hugs and nuzzles, you lazily reach into your sidereal bag to check the time. Your pocket watch indicates six o'clock. Time to get rolling!
You and Moonflower leave the comfort of your warm bed, and each take a moment to tend to your morning routines. Once all set and ready to tackle the day ahead, you team up to prepare three generous servings of fruity oatmeal for the crew, then call in Apple Basket to join you for breakfast.
Apple Basket: "Oh, you're awake! How'd everypony sleep?"
You tell him that you've slept well, and Moonflower agrees enthusiastically from the bottom of her bowl. You then offer the colt his share of the food, boiled water provided by the young alchemist's magic burner.
Apple Basket: "A hot meal, just what I was cravin' for! That's mighty kind of y'all. You gals sure make this adventurin' business look real easy.
By the way, have you decided where we're sailin' to next? At this rate, I reckon we've still got enough supplies to last us another couple of days."
You have Map of North Luna Ocean in your saddlebags. Use it to navigate the area.