Continued from >>326633
Twilight couldnt take another second. Her mind was numb with the lack of air, and her lungs were screaming on the inside. The purple unicorn was turning purple – a different shade, of course – from the strain! She could hardly open her eyes to look at her rival, whom of which still hadnt moved an inch.
Out of nowhere, Twilights willpower collapsed. With an unexpected flurry of bubbles, she gave in to her lungs demands and exhaled the remains of her air. Another moment and she would have inhaled under the water, had she not panicked and fell back to her spell. With a flash of violet light, the unicorn teleported her way to the surface, to safety, and to her own defeat.
Trixie had won!
With a triumphant smirk, the blue magician pushed off the bottom of the pool, and made her way back to the air she craved. Breaking the waters surface, she took a well-deserved gasp of sweet air and a fairly-earned victory. Her poolside opponent, still panting and heaving from the experience, gave her a fair congratulations, and honoured the set rules; loser buys lunch.
Trixie ordered the most expensive thing on the menu.
Trixie wins the contest! IF you’d like to see any other ponies take the dive – having a contest, playing together, just one pony swimming alone etc – let us know in the comments and we might just make it! Anything you like, so long a it’s pony-related and underwater. The more creative, the better.