Being the director at the Canterlot Medical Hospital as well as the leading director for healthcare operations across Equestria overall, Healing Glory is surprisingly a rather contrarian when it comes to following the roles of her position. A collection of many active and stylish mares, Healing Glory can get down and dirty along with the other medical staff of her primary career field to assist them in medical procedures and in ensuring the support of her patients is maintained, usually by doing such the only way she knows how, that being by her own hooves. When she does however finally resolve the larger issues for the day to the point her fellow doctors and nurses can take care of the duties assigned to them, the fashionista and model side of this pristine and gorgeous mare is allowed to be satiated. With her new clothing designs coming out and being traded around the beauty world, with mares and stallions alike knowing of whom wove their threads. One also would see such physical form (and plot) upon the front covers of the largest model pages, allowing the teal coated mare to get in her fix for fashion and beauty, all before channeling such carefree spirit into a productive and focussed and professional attitude that earns the alicorn princess such nicknames as the "Aid Angel" to her growing notoriety.