Anonymous said:
Their loss. Time to find something to eat!
You say that you'll keep that in mind, but first, you have to find something to eat before your train arrives.
Autumn Skies: "Oh, I know a nice little café you might enjoy! Here's where you'll find it..."
Autumn Skies gives you directions to a coffeehouse in Canterlot. Then, you wish each other a good evening, and the pegasi take off south to Hoofington.
Following Autumn Skies' directions, you find a modest coffeehouse by the southern wall of the city. As you enter the terrace, you are invited to sit at a table, and browse the menu while you wait for service. The menu reads:
"Welcome to the Four Horses!
Water... free!
Coffee (caramel / cinammon / hazelnut / vanilla)... 2 bits
Hot chocolate... 2 bits
Juice (apple / berries / carrot / orange)... 2 bits
Tea (berries / chamomile / green / mint)... 2 bits
Club sandwich... 2 bits
Potato salad... 2 bits
Soup of the day... 2 bits
Hay fries... 1 bit
Green salad... 1 bit
Muffin (blueberry / carrot / chocolate / wheat)... 2 bits"