Heavily inspired by the "Josh Fight" that happened recently. I could have added more apple characters but due to my rapidly decreasing determination that would be finished in another time. The word "apple" doesn't make sense to me anymore.
Another one-off cause why not? I sure hope this is not OOC as I think it is.
Two ponies eyed each other as they held an apple on their hoof. Surrounding them were sixteen more ponies all looking at each other in confusion. Was this a picnic? Then what was the point of the party inside Applejack's barn? Everypony wondered why they were here, except maybe a grinning Apple Bloom and a wink from Applejack.
How Apple Bloom coaxed Applejack to do this in the first place is a story for another time. The farm mare cleared her throat and explained the rules to everypony.
"My sis and I decided to put a game for everypony here. When I count to three, everypony take as many apples as you can in the baskets and start throwing 'em at ponies. When all the apples are used, the winner is the pony with the least amount of apple juice on them" Apple Crumble waves her hoof up.
"But what do they win?"
"Whoever wins gets to be the truest apple in all of Equestria"
"That doesn't sound like a prize at all"
"Then, whoever loses must temporarily change their name for a day. Nothing apple-related. Does that sound good?" The filly nodded and Applejack nodded back.
"Everypony ready?" She got a lot of affirmative nods and some eyed the bushel of apples with forelegs ready to reach in and grab them. "Apple Strudel, Apple Rose, Auntie Applesauce, do you want to wait this one out?"
"And let somepony else be the apple? I may be old but I am more spry than ya think" Applejack smiled warmly at the trio before turning to everypony else.
"1..." Applejack started counting. The air was tense but filled with joy as each pony got ready to jump at the bushels.
"2..." The orange mare herself readied the apple on her hoof. Her eyes darting around to who would make a good target. Apple Bloom couldn't contain her excitement and let out a giggle before resuming to ready herself.
"3!" Applejack chucked the apple at Apple Fritter who barely dodged the red fruit. The yellow earth pony did the same but Applejack ducked under the throw. The rest was a blur as the apple ponies threw the fruit at each other. There was laughter as a big mess was being made on the side of the road to Ponyville.