Name: E’dwar E’S‘T
Rank: Lieutenant
Species: Antican
Assignment: Shuttlebay controller, <span class="caps">USS</span> Sunset Shimmer NX-61613
Voiced by: Cathy Weseluck
E’dwar was born on Antica during the cold war between the Anticans and the Selay, which was resolved with Picard’s help on Parliament.
He entered Starfleet in 2379, and was ensign by 2383 onboard the <span class="caps">USS</span> Enterprise_-E. E’dwar liked shuttlebays a lot. He would see the shuttlecraft entering and exiting as a hobby. After 13 years aboard the _Enterprise, he was chosen by Captain Shoichet to command the Sunset Shimmer’s shuttlebay. He happily accepted the offer.
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