Germania Kaiser he is known as Gust Kastrum who is a principal of The Berlin University but when The World War 3 2021 — 2025 ended with The United Socialist State Republics as a winner War 2021 — 2024 and Germany became The German Socialist Republic he goes to America also he is depressed & poor but he is transform into Germania Kaiser also he is infected so his human body is no more so he could be ruler of Germany under a monarch again so when The Last American War 2026 — 2028 happen Snowflake Amore married Germania Kaiser in 2040 World War 4 2040 — 2046 happen between The Muslim Nations & The Socialist Nations but The World Pony Order joined in at 2044 for The Muslim Side and win the war also after this war Germania Kaiser ruled The Monarchy Of Germany even with Canada anyways Obey As A Pony Or Die As A Human.
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