Name: Flurry Heart
Nickname: Flurry
Age: 26
Parents: Princess Mi Amore Cadenza (Cadence) and Prince Consort Shining Armor Sparkle
Build: Average, but considered a bit stocky for an alicorn
CM/Special Talent: A glowing heart, with the Sparkle Family Star, surrounded by a snowy wind. Signifies her strong magical abilities and a control over ice and snow in particular.
Gender: Cis Girl
Species: Alicorn
Flurry Heart is a historical child, both in that she is the first-born of Princess Cadence and Shining Armor, and the first princess to be an alicorn from birth. Despite the odd circumstances, Flurry was a perfectly normal baby, if a tad superpowered. Turns out there’s a reason why most rulers have to undergo years of self-discipline and practice before ascending. As soon as she was old enough, Flurry was taught how to rangle her magic and manage it by the Royal Wizard, Sunburst.
Flurry lives with her immediate family in the Crystal Empire’s castle, and grew up as a Momma’s girl, following her mother Cadence around whenever she could. Nowadays Flurry is taught directly by her mother, and is readying herself for the day when she will have to step up to the throne and be a ruler the people deserve. Until then, the young princess practices her diplomatic skills.
Flurry doesn’t have too many friends outside of the castle, aside from King Thorax’s son Gossamer. The changeling hybrid gets magic lessons from Princess Cadence, and often spends extended periods of time in the Crystal Empire. He and Flurry had a rocky relationship, as Goss acts quite snooty towards many and both Flurry and Skyla were put off by his behavior. Over time though, Flurry and Goss formed a small friendship. Flurry also has a pen pal in Pumpkin Cake, and the two have kept in touch for years.
With her sisters, Flurry is protective, and usually tries to give them advice if she knows they’re having trouble with something. Flurry and Skyla are the closest in age, and often have petty arguments and disagree on many things. Flurry is more tactful and tries to stay open to other opinions, while Skyla is very stubborn and less worried about hurting some feelings as long as she’s speaking honestly.
Flurry’s youngest sister (and the youngest pony in the family overall) is Rainbow Quartz. RQ is seen as the baby of the family despite being of age, and likes to do a lot of volunteer work since being 3rd in line grants her a bit more free time than her older sisters. Flurry loves to dote on her younger sister and go on spa days and shopping trips with her.
The Royal Wizard Sunburst has taught magic to both Flurry and Rainbow Quartz, and is close to the Royal family in general. After helping to get baby Flurry’s magic down to a more manageble level, Cadence and Shining Armor invited him to join the Royal Court and told the unicorn he was more than welcome to come by. Nowadays Sunburst still gives lessons in advanced magic spellcasting in the Empire, and has become something like an uncle to the three young princesses in its castle.
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