Cadence wanted to stay with Blitz back in his world as she felt more happy to be with him. Dr Whooves was concerned about Shining Armor. Their Shining Armor was in love with Cadence until she was corrupted by evil with King Sombra. Though alternate Cadence told them that alternate Shining Armor was in love with somepony else. Which broke her heart. Blitz soon realized that maybe King Sombra was trying to corrupt alternate Cadence to make her his Queen. Alt Cadence wasn’t concerned about being turned to evil. She wanted to be with Blitz because he cared about her. Seeing no way to convince her to stay in her universe, they let her go with them.
(Fast forwarding. Don’t worry, I’ll do more sketches about this arc. It seems to be easier for me to tell a story about my sketches.)
Fast forward to their fight against King Sombra and Queen Cadence at the Crystal Empire. Blitz and Alt Cadence defeated King Sombra, but Queen Cadence attacked Blitz knocking him out. Alt Cadence went face to face against her evil self. She try to reason with her that giving in to darkness isn’t the answer to her problems. Queen Cadence did not listen and begins to attack her. Will Alt Cadence defeat her evil self in Blitz’s current dimension?
May not make a lot of sense. I just draw things because I think it’s a kool idea. Then again, I’m not a writer.
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