After a coup that overthrew Equestria’s government, the Mane Six were captured and imprisoned for life to keep them out of the way. While Fluttershy was imprisoned in a remote forest, Applejack – being the strongest of the group – was put into a SecurU suit, and then a sack, and then locked in a dungeon, her cell door welded shut, and was left to herself.
Angry at her fate at first, Applejack quickly realized that moping wasn’t going to accomplish anything. Thus, yelling out for her jailers, she said that they might as well have her do something useful than just sit in a cell for the rest of her life. After all, there’s always work to be done in Equestria, and hey, they’ve got free labor.
After some discussions, those in power decide that free labor is a pretty good idea. Thus, Applejack is removed from her cell, shackled to a plow, and put to work tilling fields all over Equestria. She’s not getting out of the sack, though; that’s permanently locked on. As such, that makes her work a bit of a challenge; without the use of her legs or arms, she’s forced to drag the plow by hopping. It’s slow, tedious, and hard, but her earth pony strength eventually gets the job done. And when one field’s finished, Applejack’s taken to another to start the process all over again.
Of course, Applejack secretly hopes that she’ll figure out a way to break free, release her friends, and restore Equestria to her former glory… but nope, the sack’s too secure. She’ll be plowing fields like this forever. Sad trombone noise
Followup to the linked picture above, exploring what would happen to each of the Mane six after that coup. Also, this is the first picture on Derpibooru to feature Applejack in permanent bondage. Yay!
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