Funny, how this is for my AU, but I feel like it could work for the show’s canon, seeing what was in ‘The Last Problem’.
But yeah, in my AU more non-ponies started to live in Equestria, but it wasn’t conflict free. Some towns were much more welcoming, like Ponyville (probably because of Twilight and her school and the town’s history, considering it started out as an earth pony place) , but there were ones that were much less (Canterlot is one I could think of).
Originally I thought that ponies would be much more open minded, but characters like Chancellor Neighsay and how a few rumors made the ponies mistrust each-other shows that ponies aren’t perfect and pony society is kinda fragile.
I don’t think this is going to be major part of my AU, more like just something in the background. Still wanted to explore it a bit.
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