Ingenue, an innocent or unsophisticated young mare, especially in a play or film.
Her parents had named her this way because she was so small and sweet, the picture of purity. Their little filly. However…the unsophisticated part was also quite true these days and Ingy was determined to fix it. Her and Nou’s junior debutante ball was coming up soon. It wasn’t a real one—that was still a long time away—but it was still just as important to her.
She hoped that it would be just as important to her sister, but for now all she was focused on was practicing her makeup for the ball. After rubbing it all over her lips she urged the tube of lipstick in the direction of her sister.
Nouveau Riche turned her face away before Ingy could put the lipstick on her, her expression twisting in disgust.
“You just used that! You know we’re not supposed to share makeup, Ingy. It isn’t sanitary.”
Ingy knew this was true but she still pouted as she pulled away. She began mumbling to herself as she went through the drawer of her vanity looking for more.
”I guess it’s for the best. It’s more of a pony shade of lipstick anyways, bright and sweet like candy! That’s what the mare at the store said.”
She finally pulled out a lipstick she thought Nou would like, it was the color of cinnamon and probably wouldn’t even show up against her sister’s fur.
”Why don’t you ever wanna come shopping with us anymore? Don’t you want to pick up pretty things for the ball? It’ll be fun!”
Pony shade of lipstick? Nou gritted her teeth at this backhanded comment, snarking out a reply in turn.
“Well if they only sell ‘pony shades of lipstick’ I don’t see the point in going. It’s not like I’d find anything for myself.”
Ingenue scoffed at this, not because she realized the sarcasm in her sister’s tone, but at the implication that her sister wouldn’t enjoy it as much as she did. She was blissfully unaware of what exactly was wrong with what she said.
”Oh nonsense, don’t be so cynical. There are lots of stores in Canterlot that have a bigger selection, plus we have catalogs where we can order in things. Even if they don’t have something in your size I’m sure we can get it tailored.”
“You mean like every dress I own? Like the one I’m wearing to your junior debutante ball?”
Nou pointed out.
“I have lived in Equestria for as long as I can remember and I have never found a single dress in my size that didn’t need to be tailored. Unless there’s a yak-inclusive store then I don’t know about, in that case be my guest.”
Ingenue didn’t have an answer for this to be entirely honest. In her eyes it was just that pony tailors only knew how to make clothes for ponies.
Why was that such a big deal?
“Well, you don’t need to be sized for jewelry and accessories! I think you’ll have a good time if you stop looking for the downside to things all the time. Chin up!”
And with that she got up from the vanity and began walking around her room, her mind forgetting any complaint her sister had and filling up with thoughts of her excitement for the ball. Her mumbling and cheerful giggling overpowered any protests her sister might have.
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