The sun rises upon the garden, time to get up and tend with your family, Ruby.
Wine Essence is now returning with page 36, I have worked hard all month drawing each page, I tried to finish a page a day though it was a bit much, I pushed as hard as I can and I got a good disclosed amount of pages drawn that will last a while, cause, for now, there will be one page per week around thursdays if it can be helped. I say this, cause recently, after all that work, my computer thought it can kill it’self and the hard drives again for the 40th time. It will take a moment or so to repair it, but I should be back to work sometime in Feburary, this is why I don’t like to make concrete dates, and learning the value of backing up data. I cannot say anymore that Fantastical Friendships will return in Feburary because of this, but I will work on it as soon as I am in good health and my computer as well. Also, if you spot anything weird or errors, I am aware of them but can’t really make any last minute edits that I just love to do, so there will be slight edits and fixes coming later, I’m painfully well aware of them. But yeah, Wine Essence continues to page 36, and beyond, for our little Ruby Pinch.^
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