*Hump Day with Glimmy’s Raft!*
As the title says! 💜
Even tho it’s late, I just <span class="caps">HAD</span> to do <span class="caps">ANOTHER</span> take on that scene from that Season 8 episode of <span class="caps">MLP</span>:FIM. Only <span class="caps">NOW</span>, I get to try out that <span class="caps">HOT</span> and smoking new look for Glim Glam, taken straight from the <span class="caps">MLP</span> Gameloft game. 2 for the price of 1, yes?! 😍
Consider this Saucy, yet still <span class="caps">SFW</span>… because why not. X3
And yes, she’s ridin’ that thang on a giant lake of boiling hot slime. (from Season 7’s ‘Daring Done?’) So yeah. And lightning for that lil’ Halloween flare!~
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