Asset Acquirement
Whether you are making deals with your contacts or speaking to the spirits, each adventurer has their own way of getting what they need.
Any excuse to draw an airship is a good excuse.Pluss: what airship is compete without its own crazy sky captain?
from Grim’s diary:
Our last visit to a restourant had been a little Bizarre. Even sowe decided to forget about it and move on.
There were a few thing to wrap up before we left the province.
As adventurers. We all have our different ways to go about things.
“Me – I have my contacts. Friends in low places. Childhood pals i’ve helped out in the past. The many shopkeeps and bar owners who know me. The types with friends – who know a friend – who know a friend. Everything from trusted comrades to fair-weather-friends. People who live by an “i scratch your back and I scratch yours” philosophy.”A deal here and a promice there. Everything is negotiable when you scrape by on a day to day basis. And everything can be left upp to a gamble. Weirther it be that fella at the bar who will only talk if you can down his “12 shots of firewater” test. To those who want so see just how good your throwing arm is before they tell you what you want to know. We all live by our own little unspoken economy of trust, deals and promises. You are only as good as your word, they say. So you better put your money where your mouth is.
Tressures are won and lost every day. Gold can be dug out from the sand over a whole season only to be lost in a single night of a dairing gamble.
I’ve gotten pretty good at knowing when to hold them, as the gambler say. And if youre confident enough in your skill. You can walk away with the jackpot simply because youve impressed a fella.”
“Now Glyph, my girl. She’s got other friends. Friends on the other side they say. Or maybe they are more like the friend of a friend who’se friend with the local shaman and whisperers. I’ve never understood that spiritual mumbo jumbo much. Got nothing against the old medium folks, heck one of them was practically my great-grand uncles cousin. Buy Glyph, She knows how to talk the talk that get through to these soothsayersand secret-keepers. Just like I know how to talk to my kinds of people.”
“Now Corrovirre, our dragon buddy … I have no idea how he handles people. Probably threaten them or something. He always seem to go missing whenever there is “dragon business” to take care of. Not my business, not my problem.”
“And Mivera … well let’s just say she got the bits to get around.”
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