Gallus: ‘Cell… That’s disgusting. You may actually make me want to be sick.
Yona: Why is changeling licking window?
Ocellus: ‘Cause it tastes nice!
Yona: …
Gallus: …
Silverstream: [*whispering comically loudly*] I think she may have lost her mind!
Sandbar: Oooh! You found another one Ocellus! Gimmi! [*licks the same window*]
Smolder: is anycreature going to explain what is going on?
Ocellus: [*licks her muzzle*] It’s sugar glass! Sugarcube corner makes them every Nightmare Night. Here! [*donks her hoof on the window, a small bit shatters free and lands on her hoof*] See?
Sandbar: Why else do you think ‘Cell and I let you lot had the majority of the sweeties for the last two years? We were always topped up with sweetness!
Gallus: [*peers at Sandbar*] You ponies will try to make anything edible.
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