A very, very, very long overdue request for ProtoManDelta since like November… He wanted me to draw Lemon and May (anime) playing in the pool and I know I pushed the request aside since I was doing my 30 Day <span class="caps">OTP</span> themes w/ my ship at the time. I was also pretty lazy on drawing it until I decided to Google on kiddie pools for extra lulz yet I thought something better and include the Pokemon. For May, I used her Pokemon that she used during her D/P cameo plus Manaphy () which was from the ninth Pokemon movie and mind you, I was gonna work on the picture last month since there was a giveaway for that Pokemon. Then for Lemon, I added in Loudred () and Noivern () as her hypothetical Pokemon since both seems to suit to her love for music so trainers better watch out for that Boomburst!XD And I know I would add in Electivire as another of Lemon’s Pokemon but I didn’t had any space, same applied w/ May’s Blaziken. Then Indigo was included into the drawing b/c eh, why not? and I kinda wanted to give her a Luxray b/c imo it fits her! I admit I had some difficulty w/ fitting in everyone so I hope I tried my best…Enjoy the pic, y’all!Edit: This is my last request picture for now so please don’t ask for another.Program used: Gimp 2.6Time Taken: 2-3 daysLayers: 5DISCLAIMER: I don’t own Pokemon and My Little Pony/EqGMy Little Pony © Hasbro/DHX MediaMy Little Pony: EqG © Hasbro/DHX MediaPokemon © Game FreakPokemon (Anime) © <span class="caps">OLM</span>/TV TokyoDrawn by RainbowYoshi305
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