God, this canvas almost kill me but I’m all good! I had fun with it absvdbdb. Just some stuff from the hcverse.
Honestly this show outfit is just awful, but it fits for Trixie. She would totally wear something like this. I apologize for snatching her hat away.
Freshly broken up Trixie finding a distraction from Twi here! This is after she was broken up with Starlight. She at first annoys Twi with kinda just barging in on her and Pinkie. Eventually being alone with the alicorn, she made her moves. Twi brain stop working but all good (also Twi’s and Pinkie’s relationship is open with obvious rules of communicating. Of course Twi told her gf immediately after and Pinkie scold her about it since Trixie isn’t very emotionally stable). These two don’t talk about that incident. Well except for Trixie. She told her now wife Moondancer about it and all her response was “Nice.”
“No one can ever have the fattest ass like Trixie’s!” Ah nothing much to say about this. I just wanna draw it.
Gildashy soft moment, Gilda love to mess with and braid her girlfriend’s hair. Maybe even sneak in some kisses.
Twilight attempt to bond with bab Macaron. So far, not so great 😓
Pinkie and Macaron always been close. Macaron is such a mama’s girl. More excuse of drawing lil bab Maccy.
Trixie annoying Twilight as she usually do. She heavily hit on the alicorn. Twi think it’s nothing serious which it kinda isn’t. Trix is a flirt but really she do mean it if Twi gets it.
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