The Russia of Pony is Fluttershy or his Real Name Natasha.Shakovich From Russia in Moscow February 28 1999 she and Her Family Moved to the United States in San.Francisco California in November 2004 Because the Father is a Pilot in an Airlines in California U.S.A ( California Airlines Group ) Since she was 8 Year old she Entered Elementary school then she was 14 Year old Went to Junior high school Went to High school when she was 17 Until she was 19 Year old she Turned 21 Year old he met the a Young man before their First Love Story
<dd>Story line To Be Continue Soon</dd>
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Story be : Edy January
Instagram : @edy_January115 Edy.J Equestria.Girls ID From Indonesian Bandung West.Jawa
Fluttershy in Characters from
My.Little.Pony Hasbro.Studio©
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