Not sure what’s harder, making the images, making the rhymes or thinking of something witty to say in the description
Credit List
Scootaloo by SirCinnamon www.deviantart.com/sircinnamon…
Antlers by CloudyGlow www.deviantart.com/cloudyglow/…
Bells by CheezDoodle96 derpibooru.org/images/1572479?…
Trees by VelveagicSentryYT www.deviantart.com/velveagicse…
Present Pile by PoniesfromHeaven www.deviantart.com/poniesfromh…
Gift by Ellittest www.deviantart.com/ellittest/a…
Fragile box by Parcly Taxel www.deviantart.com/parcly-taxe…
Bear by Soren the Owl www.deviantart.com/soren-the-o…
Ursa Plushi by Emkay <span class="caps">MLP</span> www.deviantart.com/emkay-mlp/a…
Games console by Gray Gold www.deviantart.com/gray-gold/a…
Weirdly Tall present by AndoAnimalia www.deviantart.com/andoanimali…
Angel Dolly by Korsoo www.deviantart.com/korsoo/art/…
Sack by TimeLord Omega www.deviantart.com/timelordome…
Background by DragonChaser123 www.deviantart.com/dragonchase…
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