”…Minutes later, Octavia trotted down Ponyville’s main street, towards the home she shared with Vinyl Scratch. She passed dozens of ponies, but none of them bothered to ask why she had with her a cart with two helium tanks—one jumbo-sized and one medium—so her rehearsed answer about the birthday party went unused. That was for the best, as Octavia preferred to lie as little as possible.
It was only a lie of omission, at least. She really did need the helium to set up a surprise party for her housemate. She’d just neglected to tell Pinkie her plans for after the party.
The illicit thrill of Octavia’s plan brought a flush to her face, but it didn’t look out-of-place in the October chill—so it, too, drew no comment from passers-by. Octavia was in control.”
Octaviatober is still going strong, even if there’ve been some delays, but I’ll be making up those through illustrating a story that’s been in the works for a while. And, here it is!~
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