Although her antics can get a little frustrating at times, Pinkie Pie’s perky and enthusiastic personality is readily accepted by the faculty of Canterlot High and has made her quite popular among the student body. However, there is one person in the school who has a rather different opinion on Pinkie’s behaviour, and that is CHS’ stern and often stone-hearted guidance counsellor, Miss Sweetwater. For as long as the pink-haired teen’s been enrolled at the school, Miss Sweetwater has always viewed Pinkie’s general demeanor as disruptive & annoying and longs for a day where the young party-planner acted more like her emotionally-neutral older sister, Maud. This resentment finally gets to a point where Miss Sweetwater decides to sit Pinkie down in her office one afternoon to tell the girl just what she thinks about her bouncy, fun-loving ways. When she finishes her lecture, though, Pinkie simply shrugs it off and states that she can’t help being so cheerful all the time, adding that it’s just who she is and there’s nothing anyone can do about it. Taking this comment as a challenge, Miss Sweetwater claims that they’ll see about that before pulling a gold pocket watch out of her skirt pocket, which she then begins to swing before the pink-skinned girl’s eyes. Confused, Pinkie asks Miss Sweetwater what she’s doing, but the guidance counsellor only tells her to relax her body and empty her mind as she begins to induct the girl into a deep state of hypnosis. After about 10 minutes, Pinkie has helplessly fallen under Miss Sweetwater’s control, her whole body now relaxed & sluggish (as evidenced by her drooping eyelids) and her mind blank & open to outside suggestion. Seeing that she’s fully entranced her student, Miss Sweetwater tells Pinkie that when she wakes up, she will no longer be able to feel or express any sort of emotion and will take on a more impassive and compliant personality, essentially condemning the girl to be exactly like Maud….
After the hypnotized Pinkie accepts her new programming, Miss Sweetwater snatches off Pinkie’s magical geode (an object she knows can cause as much trouble as it’s owner) and stows it in her pocket along with her watch before snapping her fingers to awaken the pink-haired girl from her trance. To her satisfaction, Pinkie (upon snapping back to reality) instantly displays a significant change in personality by looking at the counsellor with a completely blank expression and thanking her (in an emotionless, monotone voice) for the ‘rejuvenating’ hypnosis session before asking if she can leave so as not to be tardy for her next class. After Miss Sweetwater gives her permission, the former party-girl turns on her heel and walks out the door without giving so much as a slight giggle. As she watches the brainwashed teen walk away, Miss Sweetwater can’t help but feel quite content with herself and entertains the idea of making hypnotic alterations to the minds of some of Pinkie’s friends, starting with a certain rainbow-haired athlete….
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