commission for 4everfreebrony!
She’s a kind, caring pony who doesn’t have a great capacity for speaking in Equestrian. Her attempts usually result in a disturbingly accurate animal noise, typically a “<span class="caps">BARK</span>”. As such, she has become quite shy, fairly reclusive and is cautious when approaching ponies. This has shown in her general lack of sense when it comes to trying to meet ponies. (Namely Colgate, who she inadvertedly stalked when she was afraid to talk to her in person)
Her confidence issues and shyness really show through after ponies call her names or shout at her, which unfortunately happens fairly frequently. Many automatically brand her as a ‘Crazy’ or ‘Barking mad’ mare, which as you can guess hardly does wonders for her self esteem.
My links:
Website: metanagon.wixsite.com/illustra…
Instagram: www.instagram.com/metanagon/
Twitter: twitter.com/MT_Metanagon
Email: [email protected]
Discord: Metanagon#5502
Teespring: teespring.com/stores/metanagon
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