Every morning, an adorable orange cream colored mare strolls out into her garden to tend to her crop. Having gotten use to her new situation of being two mares in one, Clumsy Carrot has always been an shy and timid little mare. Her silliness adding more to that timid behavior of hers making her a shutout at times and at others a fun excitable pegasus/earth pony mare from time to times. Tending to her carrot patches while working part time as a mailmare certainly is a chore to manage but yet this tough and strong little minx always fonds a way to get her tasks done in time to then cook dinner for her hubby Royal Minutes (Time Turner x Prince Blueblood) only for such a loving regal yet down to earth hunk to sweep her off her hooves and into a loving embrace. Giving those adorable eyes signature of her Derpy half something to focus on as the two lovebirds enjoy the company of each other…
Guess in this case the poor mare was caught in a rather embarrassing or revealing position when her hubby was leaving for his work at the Ponyville toy/gadget shop. Poor mare is never gonna hear the end of it when he gets back she bets….
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